Pros and Cons of ESC La Rochelle

Hello especially Metropolia Business School students! We remember the time we were suppose to pick our Double Degree destination and the grade of nervosity for if we would pick the best place for us. First of all, if there’s anything we can help you with, just contact us. We are gladly telling you guys about … More Pros and Cons of ESC La Rochelle

Berlin baby!

As Milka told earlier, we started this blog as a school project and back then thought, that we could continue to share our experiences about moving abroad. Unlike Milka I am still staying in Finland, eagerly waiting to start my third year of studies in Berlin. I’m heading to HTW Berlin and wanted to share … More Berlin baby!

Why Norway?

When I decided to move to Helsinki I accepted a study place which would take me abroad in the future for 1,5 years. My exchange year would happen on my third year of studies which is now in September. Many people have asked me why did I move abroad now since I’m already going to … More Why Norway?

Jaana’s story

Hey guys! For the next story we interviewed Jaana Ylitalo, the Director of Collective Bargaining, Labour Legislation and Industrial Policies, from the Service Union United (Palvelualojen Ammattiliitto PAM). This is an inspiring story of how a person can achieve a lot through working hard with what they believe in. We hope this will be helpful for … More Jaana’s story